Find the resources your company needs to grow with more and better financing options.
We help you obtain financing or capital for the development of your company and for your projects.
Kybalion capital is a creative and disruptive financing and capital services company for real estate companies and developers in Mexico, the USA and Latin America and is made up of a multidisciplinary team of people specialized in financing and business and real estate equity who together have more than 20 years of experience in these areas.
As such, at Kybalion Capital we know the challenges, needs and situation of the current financing and access to capital market in Mexico and Latin America; Therefore, with the intention of solving the needs and requirements of our clients, we have established new and better synergies and strategic alliances with: financing sources, investors, private funds, mandates, brokers, etc. that we represent and with which we have established business relationships and strategic alliances not only in Mexico but also in places such as: the US, London, Europe, Asia; that allow us to resolve the needs and financing or capital options of our clients in a flexible and creative way.
Through our contacts and strategic alliances we currently have access to dozens of different resource options: bank loans, private financing, debt, equity, venture capital, etc.; with different conditions and for different industries Even for companies or businesses with complicated situations such as: debt restructuring, liquidation of liabilities and partners, mergers and acquisitions, purchase of companies, new projects, large-scale real estate and infrastructure projects, technology, energy etc
Our specialty and focus are large-scale financing and/or capital projects and needs minimum of: $3 to $5 million dlls (USD) and up.
Contact us to help you take advantage of your opportunities, solve your needs and to accelerate your business growth.
Our main verticals as clients are:
- Real estate development companies with experience with requirements of: $5 to $50 million USD (projects ready to develop: “shovel ready”) not only in Mexico but also in Latin America.
- Financial companies or businesses (SOFOMES, SAPI'S etc).
- Industrial maquiladoras, industrial companies (with broad interest in industrial production and/or export companies in western Mexico
- Product import/export companies with a relevant market and/or participation in the USA.
Another important Vertical for us are: (M&A's):
- Companies for sale of significant size in any field with particular interest in fields such as: education (private universities and “k12” or “k15” private schools from primary to high school); transnational industrial companies (mainly with maquila for the automotive industry and “IATF” certifications); and food restaurants with the possibility of franchising.
All these companies for sale with: Minimum annual sales of: $100 Million pesos + EBITDA Margins: 15% + • Revolving sales, growth capacity, barriers to entry for competition and differentiation.
- We have achieved financing and/or capital for more than 10 large-scale real estate projects and developments in different industries: Residential, mixed developments, energy, industrial and logistics, hospitality, etc. Not only in Mexico but in other Latin American countries (LATAM) and the USA with more than $100 Million (USD) in resources obtained. We have obtained the resources through different instruments such as: debt financing, bridge loan, JVA, equity, etc.
- Thanks to our experience in the financial sector: banking, fintech, sofomes, we have achieved financing for several financial companies (sofomes) in Mexico with several million dlls (USD) in resources obtained.
- In other sectors and industries we have very interesting options with exceptional results in areas such as: industries with large-scale financing requirements in the West of the country, import/export companies with a market in the US; fintech and/or financial companies, companies with interest in its development and/or sale (of considerable size) among others…
Mobile: +52 3319508064, Jalisco, MX